Bluleaf’s adventure in IOF2020 project keeps going on: here’s the first steps of trial on field process


We’re hardly working to carry on all the steps of IOF2020 project, where Bluleaf is enganged in “Frash Table Grape Chain” Case Study.

After the previous activities in SysmanLab (read here), is now starting the trial on field phases, whose first step occurred in Romanazzi Farm.  As you can see in the gallery below, the activities carried on concerned mostly the set up of on-filed tools for crops monitoring and above all the great news introduced for IOF2020 project: thanks to NFC tag and QR code farmers will be able to check their plant directly on Bluleaf® APP.

Indeed, they jut have to screen the QR code or NFC tag through  Bluleaf® app, and insert all the infos they need in the right application sector, both in text and vocal note format . This brand new tool is now part of several different tools that compose  Bluleaf® and contribute to make it such an important device for smart agriculture.

But, we have to say that the real added value in  Bluleaf® is the deep relationship with farmers, as we could ascertain also during the trial process. We’ve been able to realize all the software functionality developed so far and the new onens still in production, just thanks to collaborating and matching with faremers and agronomist. This made  Bluleaf® a famers tool, born from the even more tight union of agriculture and technology.