“What we learnt today is that future of industrial tomatoes crops is all about information. From now on we won’t be abel to cultivate without gaining a full acess to crops informations.” Antonio Guario – Consigliere ARPTRA
An entire day dedicated to industrial tomatoes, “Industrial Tomatoe 2.0: combined production, sustainability and innovation”, has been set on May 5th by Arptra.
From phytosanitary defense to right irrigation system choice, from technology for irrigation need evaluation to high efficiency fertilization, every aspect of this sector has been deeply explored and an innovative solution has been provided to each issue.
We can answer this question throught our agronomist consultat Vito Buono’s words. He has shown not only Bluleaf® functions, but also the real needs of gaining access to decision support systems like Bluleaf® (you can see his intervention here).
Farming can’t be separeted to decision support tools since a continuous monitoring of crops, able to raise aknowledge about minute per minute crops stauts, is essential for elaborating and implementing targeted farming strategies.
Water monitoring effectiveness for these crops has been largely demonstrated thanks to the long term collaboration between Bluleaf®, Syngenta and Univeristy of Foggia: using Bluleaf® in tomatoe crops we wanted to evaluate effects of water stress (whith “deficit irrigation”), also aiming to prevent apical rot.
Bluleaf® has been main tool of this experimentation process, and helped consolidating two important scientific collaboration (whit Syngenta and University of Foggia), which today represent a source of continous improvement.
The answer is yes. Gaining access to those tools has two main advantages: a “normative” advantage and a “business” one. Thanks to this technology you can ensure one of the main principles of PSR 2014 2020, the sustainable water management. Otherwise, you can optimize production factor use.
Irrigation management, expecially on industry tomato crops has to rely on reliable and easy-to-use assessment methods for semplifing crops management and decision making process, reducing wastes and resource use inefficiencies.
At the end of this day we saw how innovation and sustainability are the leading concepts of new farming techniques driving major italian production sectors.