The IOF2020 Stakeholder Event “Unleashing the potential of IoT in the food and farming sector” will take place in Almerìa (Spain) on 1-2 March 2018.

The event, organized by Wageningen Research in collaboration with Univeristy of Almerìa, is addressed both to project partners and stakeholders and to everyone interested in Digital Agriculture aiming to foster interaction with all actors from Agrifood world. Renewing and creating new synergies among those actors, involving everyone in the discussion about Agrifood, is funadamental for ensuring to project vision “Making Precision Agriculture a reality” a life beyond the project.

This target is revealed through the program: from the IOT-themed workshops, to the WP Leader Interactive Sessions, from the “Panel Discussion” on the results achieved so far and new opportunities of Digital Agriculture, to the Visionary Speech, the event looks like a continuous comparison on the present and future of the sector.

As Team Bluleaf, we have long time married the project vision. Technology developed in recent months has the fundamental purpose of simplifying field activities, bringing the world of ICT closer to Agriculture one. (you can read about our work here)

To follow from live streaming of the interventions scheduled click here