One of the most important production of Apulian agribusiness industry is the table grapes one. Agronomist and farmers are focusing their attention on researching innovative solution for increasing products competitiveness and sustainability.The interest in these crops is confirmed by an increasing number of events about table grapes cultivations; most of all, the “Bella Vigna” Prize (2017 edition has been announced during the conference).

Interest in table grapes crops leads agronomist and farmers into a deep debate about this sector. Among all the events set, we mention the “Innovation and Sustainability in table grapes viticulture” Conference one, held by Food Agri Service Associated Studio, supported by Comune di Noicattaro. The Conference took place between February and March, and consisted in 5 different didactic events.

These 5 didactic meetings touched several fundamental subjects about table grapes, from farming techniques to innovative varieties and latest news in distribution.

A well-rounded analysis: from crops to table.

Dr. AnnaMaria Fanelli, from Graper group, presented a very interesting intervention about the “water issue” and the tricky relationship between production improving and water resource management:

“It’s fundamental that the whole industry understands how irrigation can be a real support in table grapes production [..] Water management is nowadays a fundamental tool to grant healthier products, with a longer shelf-life; but a correct water management strategy could realize a  costs reduction, while respecting PSR precepts, where water saving is one of the main goals”

Bluleaf®, in collaboration with Graper agronomic studio and PSSL field hardware, became an innovative tool for table graper irrigation management. Bluleaf® is a technology able to improve productive processes and more: using instruments like that grant an improvement of product quality rates and production process optimization, and lastly, even apply the innovation and sustainability criteria held by PSR 2014-2020.

Viticulture debate is still open: what we know, is that in future innovation will be even more rooted in this prosperous sector.