Our technicians are in FrancaVilla Fontana, at the Azienda Agricola Tratturi Reali to carry on installation of weather stations and soil sensors on crops of primitive grapes, susumaniello, chardonnay and fiano, in collaboration with the technicians of CIHEAM Bari, in scope of the Irritech project


The annual cycle of the vine is composed of two sub-cycles: the vegetative and the reproductive one, as a result of the interaction between the genetic characteristics of the plant and the environmental and cultural conditions. Within the vegetative sub-cycle, the “crying” phase occurs, which precedes the sprouting one.

Thanks to the collaboration with the Azienda Agricola Tratturi Reali, founded in 1938 by  Caliandro family founder, Rocco Caliandro and managed with great success by the homonymous nephew, we learned the importance of correctly monitoring the environmental conditions in which vine begins the so-called, phase of “crying”.


The cry of life: when life comes from “tears”

Never metaphor fitted more: during the crying phase, it seems like “tears” coming out of the trunk of the vine. The tears are emission of liquid through the pruned ends, which are generated because of the reactivation of the sugar metabolism and cellular respiration. In other words, the vine “body” is filled with new life and this process, so fundamental, which almost appears as “painful”, is nothing but the symptom of life that resumes.

The importance of “talking” with the plant

The crying phase is, as you can imagine, very delicate. The reactivation of sugar metabolism and cell respiration are directly linked to the high degree of roots absorbition of the nutrients present in the soil.

The success of the final product is played here: as  the environmental conditions are positive during this very delicate phase.

The dialogue with the plant and the field, through the collection of all the data relating to the state of soil, meteorological conditions, and the plant itself is fundamental: only in this way we are able, not only to create right conditions to obtain best possible production performance, but also to know perfectly the helth status of our crops.